My talk is entitled “Translation Bloopers are Dead – Long Live Abundant New Ways of Showcasing Yourself and our Profession”

This will be the fourth time I attend the ITI conference. Here is the abstract for my talk:

What does it take to raise the profile of an ‘invisible’ profession? Translation fails? Though they serve a purpose as hooks, the speaker will argue that to showcase our work positively we can go beyond examples of bloopers (or even costly legal disasters) and use other, more creative and relevant avenues open to us in this connected world.

What would happen if we all made a concerted effort to promote our work and to describe how we work and run our businesses—from individual to corporate alike? Imagine how we could raise our profession’s profile and benefit the next generation.

Karen will present a spectrum of opportunities for T&I professionals of all kinds, from the obvious to the innovative, and will tackle the thorny topic of finding ways to do this that don’t violate non-disclosure agreements. If we all showcase our work and that of others in the profession, we could leave a positive legacy for the next generation of language professionals.

Karen works as a French into English freelance translator. Her translation work is highly specialized, focused on chemistry and its industrial applications. She holds an MChem in Chemistry with French (University of Manchester, UK), a Diploma in French and a PhD in Organic Chemistry (University of Cambridge, UK). She worked in the pharmaceutical industry in Europe, and then after relocating to the US in 1999 worked in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

She set up her translation practice in 2005. Karen is an active T&I volunteer and currently the Secretary of the ATA. She is from Scotland and now lives with her family in Colorado. She tweets as @ChemXlator.

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© 2019 - 2025 Karen McMillan Tkaczyk | Designed by Mrs. Divi | Translations into French by Nathalie Armellin