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Get in touch

I look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to use the contact form below for general inquiries. However, if you want to know the costs involved for your current project, send me an email with your files attached so that I can give you precise quote.

Your personal data will only be used to reply to your inquiry. Please see my Privacy Policy to learn more about how I handle your personal data.

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Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to get a document like this edited?

I give firm quotes based on seeing all documents to be translated. To determine volume I use a translation-environment software tool, which analyzes content within series of files, and shows me whether there is repetition within or across documents. For any job I can quote these ways, according to your preference.

  • a flat fee
  • an hourly rate with a mutually-agreed time range
  • a “per word” rate
Is this text something you are comfortable translating?

Here are examples of different projects I might accept. The variety will show you why pricing varies, why I have to see texts before I quote, as files of equal length may require wildly varied man-hours to deliver what the client needs.

  • Four standard operating procedures, a validation procedure and a validation report totaling 65 pages, all .docx files to be returned in the same format. Purpose: regulatory filing. Repetition in document templates will help me work quickly. Due in three weeks (generous deadline). No possible changes to source texts mid-project, given the company’s document control process. Analysis: speedy project that will cost less than some of equivalent length.
  • A published patent and three related discovery reports, key documents in a brand new patent litigation case. The attorneys need it urgently for a deposition on Monday morning. I must get the translations edited before delivery, as the attorneys have no-one in-house who can confirm quality. Files available in pdf, to be returned as .docx files. Extensive handwritten annotations added to one of the files. Analysis: very expensive, as I will have to create editable source files before beginning translation, cancel prior engagements to get the job done in time, and sub-contract editing to a colleague at a rush rate.
  • An article written in English by a non-native English speaker, to be edited for correct English and improved flow and style. Duration depends on how good the author’s writing is. Analysis: editing pace (therefore cost) usually predictable based on skimming the text. Extra cost if the author makes changes mid-project.
  • A technical marketing document, client to supply text extracted as .docx files and to handle DTP in-house. Purpose: marketing brochure. Generous deadline. Analysis: simple and fairly cheap, unless client comes back with changes mid-project.

I know what clear scientific and technical writing look like.

I would love to hear from you!

Entrust me with work. Connect on LinkedIn or by email if you don’t need me right now, so that you can find me again when you do need me. I only use the personal data you submit to respond to your enquiry. See my Privacy Policy for further information on how I handle personal data.

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Mon-Fri from 7 am to 5 pm US mountain time

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© 2019 - 2025 Karen McMillan Tkaczyk | Designed by Mrs. Divi | Translations into French by Nathalie Armellin